Superforce is the most productive app ever made for Salesforce admins, developers, and power users. Work at 10x the speed.
The fastest way to work in Salesforce. Easily find, view, and manage data or metadata in your Salesforce org.
Go to any page in Salesforce instantly by typing commands. Effortlessly switch between Apps, Setup, Object Manager, Records, Developer Console, and more.
Reset passwords, freeze users, or log in as a user—all in just a few clicks. Managing user accounts has never been this quick and convenient.
Find any record, user, flow, field, object, validation rule, permission, etc. with a blazing fast global search experience.
Global keyboard shortcuts to make the Salesforce admin / developer experience delightful. "Save & Next" with your own shortcut.
Easily manage Salesforce Flows with quick access to activated and deactivated versions. View all flow versions in one place to ensure smooth automation and seamless updates.
Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Reports, Dashboards, Validation Rules, Custom Objects. Anything you want!
Plans for power users, admins, and developers.